Rebecca Maisenbacher
During a sweet time of praise and worship on Feb. 26, 2023, Shane Butler released a spirit word in tongues, calling for Holy Spirit to come with revelation and encouragement. The meeting room quieted as he called for anyone to bring the interpretation for those in attendance to hear and weigh. As I looked around the room, waiting quietly for someone to arise to the front, I began to sensed a very heavy weight-like presence and realized it was for me to share. The following is the transcription of this gentle, loving and precious visitation from Holy Spirit.. How sweet it is when He comes with edification, comfort and guidance. In His Love, Becky
(Becky) I stand here sometimes with (some) trepidation, for the things I hear for our community. It makes it difficult as one of the founders to not look manipulative, because that is one thing the Lord has said that He has had enough in His body of manipulation. The Lord has been speaking to me recently because I have been asking Him about the future development of The Center. And He said: You know I placed a dream in your heart, I placed a vision for the earth and for My people, and I said, “Is there anyone in the earth that will take this plan and plant it?” and He looked to and fro. And there were some that started and some that said, “This is too much for me.” And so, the vision and the dream was passed, and it landed in the hands of this family. And this family said, “Yes, Lord, we will do it. We will try.” Because I’ve called you to be a family. I’ve called you to be multicultural. I’ve called you to be multi-generational. I’ve called you to be a Training Center- a Healing Center. I’ve called you to be strategically placed. And you’ve asked over and over, Lord, what could be so strategic about this family?
But I say to you, you yoked yourself together and you stood. And you have passed the test that I have given to you to see if I could find you faithful. And in the development, there have been some that would come, some that would go, because that’s also been the plan. You see the government of My House, the Church at large, has developed into a place that holds My people and does not free them to do what I have called them to do. So, I searched for a place where I could deposit My Spirit, where I could have a visitation in the house that would be forever, so I could teach My people, so I could develop My people, so I could put a dream in their heart and a vision in their mind to go forth for My kingdom. And many have come broken and many have come dismayed, and many have come from toxic environments, where they said: “I don’t even know if I want to do this anymore Lord.”
But I made you a place of healing. I made you a place of praise and worship. I told you I would send the worshipers. I told you I would send the musicians. I told you I would expand you. I told you to be patient. And I have sent the dancers, the clappers, the musicians, the praisers, the artists – I’ve sent the intercessors. I have sent the prophets; I have sent the apostles. I told you there would always be the five-fold ministry in this house. That it would stay, and it would stand. I have sent the drummers. I have sent the bassist who sits in the belly of this organized miracle, they beat the drum with the rhythm of My life, that I pour into this Center to release to the nations. Because I’ve called you to the nations. And I’ve told you recently – there is expansion – there is expansion – and I have said, “Don’t look at expansion by numbers. Just look to Me to see what I will expand, because My heart has never been about numbers; My heart has never been about buildings – My heart beats for My people! This is about My people. And I have found you faithful with those who are distressed, with those who seem lost, with those who have become weary, but are looking for a city on a hill, shining brightly for those who are weary to come to Me.
I’ve told you to not to look for whether you are small or large. Not to look at what My other families are doing, because I’ve made you, (this is a hard word to say because it sounds, yes, just say it Lord) – I’ve made you unique. I’ve made you unique. And that is why it has been important to remove any arrogance – any pride – any self-exulting that would come from this house; because My presence in this house is about Me, and My plan. It’s not about a building – not about expansion. I am building teams. I’m building a “unifying” that is yet to be seen totally, but there’s a wholeness coming to this family, and support of one another.
I see a chess board, and the Lord says: I Am the Grand Master! Those that try, ha, have no idea that I have already planned the moves! Ha! But the thing with chess, I remind My people is that it takes patience. But you will see Me move! And you will see Me say “Check mate!” You will see Me do these things not only in our nation, not only in the world, but in this place. For I will move you back and forth (in positions) I will move you - I will have you multi-task, but I’ve brought in a people who can do that. I have brought in a people that I have gifted with many gifts, many talents. I have writers and scribes, and artists and dancers and musicians and (teachers) and I have those who come away with Me in intercession and prayer and release My heart to the people. Because I said, “I will not leave you without understanding.”
So when you are wondering and wandering, (be encouraged) for I’ve begun to tell you the plan. And I’ve told you I’ve come with expansion, but now I declare to you a “second stage” of The Covenant Center. And you say, woah Lord, the first stage, did it take 25 years? And I tell you Yes, it did! It took 25 years, because I searched for a people, I brought people in, I let them go and I waited as I told you at the waters like Gideon’s army (selection) for those who could see My plan, see My future and see what was desired of them from Me. And those that have remained have become foundational for the building of this plan.
And now as we expand into the second stage, I will show you how faithful I am. (Remember) Didn’t I say I would bring in the musicians, the clappers, the singers, the worshipers, the writers – didn’t I say I would do those things? And I will not leave you without completing the plan. But for the second stage, continue in faith and know that I am a good God who has good things for you. And that I have called you – not only to develop your giftings and skills; but I have called you as a people. I have called you a Shiloh. I have called you Shiloh. I’ve called you to a place where the prophets will gather, and you will hear them and honor them and you will discuss the words that come forth and the plans, and we will continue to grow and develop. We will release the people that need to be released, some of them, mm, some of them will go without fulfillment of their call, but some will be released into their destiny. Just as I have released this place into their destiny.
So look to Me with your seer eyes, look to Me with your senses and your hearing. In prayer begin to seek what I am doing for you individually, and how you fit on the chess board. I’m so proud of you Covenant Center – I’m so proud of you, that you began with a seed, and you were willing to hold that seed and water it, and stand and wait patiently by faith, until life came forth. Let’s celebrate the victory of this first stage of completion; and let us now look forward to this second stage of expansion, and I will show you what that looks like and what that means. I will continue to bring in people to train and equip, some will be released and some will stay – teachers, evangelists, pastors, apostles, prophets. I bless you today. I bless you today! I bless you today.
I believe someone has an additional word to add to this? Is there someone here who does? This happens when the Lord comes this way to confirm some things. So thank you as Diana comes as we submit this to you - this is all for you to weigh – this is a word for you and the family, because God has birthed something here that is near to His heart and we are all figuring out what that is, because He gives the plan a little at a time. Yes, go ahead Diana.
Diana Mourey - And even this new expansion, stage two, is not even the expansion with a big building per se, but I’m even doing a new thing after all these years, and this newness is an acceleration of the presence of God. For the prophetic will and has already moved into this place in an upper level. And it will continue. And there is an expansion of healing taking place, for My body has been wounded, My body has been stricken with ailments, sickness, and even situations.
But get ready, for when the Spirit of God moves in with all weapons, all weapons existing the -work is done. And it will not even be a hard thing. You’ve been through the hard thing. You’ve been through the wilderness. You have been through that, at times you were ready to give up. But even as I bring forth a new energizing into this place, there will be a unity that will take hold. There will be a determination to grab hold of the things that your heart has hungered for. And it has been that hunger in your heart that has gotten My attention. And it’s really no new thing. But in a sense, in your understanding, it is a new thing, because you have been through the pit, and I am lifting you up in a category you have not experienced before.
So get ready, for I have found even the leaders in this place to be faithful. They have hung on even in that weakness. Even in the turmoil to where they felt like they could not walk another step. But open up your eyes just as you have opened up your heart, for this is a new day. And don’t hesitate to move in, for it is your worship- it is your worship of Me that brings My presence into this place. And even a fresh new anointing coming upon My worshipers – and a bond – all of us. So get excited in your heart and count on it – because it’s going to happen.