Richard Maisenbacher
Dear Covenant Center Family and Friends,
This letter comes to thank you for your generous love and support of The Covenant Center through 2020. It will be remembered as “That was the year that was.” Through your prayers, assistance and financial support for 2020 your love and generosity has sustained us. We have been fortunate to meet as family and continue to reach out and touch a hurting world in His name. Thank you so much!
Our on-line School of Ministry at, CovenantU, continues to be a resource for you that is presently free during this isolated season of Covid. Years of teaching, writing, training and developing our school of ministry program, is available not only for licensing or ordination; but it is a great study or mentoring tool for you to use with family, friends or home groups. And if you just enjoy learning and expanding your personal understanding of God, please consider Spiritual Roots or the Hebraic Thought track.
Our monthly calendar and blog messages are posted on the TCC website:, and we would love to have you worship and celebrate with us through our Facebook page: “The Covenant Center,” where our live worship and Sunday celebration meetings are streamed and recorded for you. Just go to our Facebook wall, “like” us, and you will receive updated information concerning events and activities.
This year we have grown together as family, building relationships, studying His word, as well as learning about Covenant and giving love and respect to one another. We have developed intimacy with God and continue to grow in understanding His character, nature and hearing His voice. Our Counselors are available to give you support and guidance particularly in these challenging times. We look forward to the future as God continues to reveal His love and wisdom, transforming and guiding us.
Shane and Chalis Butler and the worship team have kicked off this year with prayer and worship (Harp & Bowl). It has been rich, strengthening and refreshing us all. Check our calendar or Facebook for their worship times. We also thank you for your support as we bless our missionaries, especially Benny and Alex Humphries of Deeper in Love Ministries in Tarapoto, Peru, and extend benevolence to those in need. We continue Wednesday nights, enjoying the Hearing God class and the fun and fellowship of our break out groups. And our youth night on Wednesdays continues to grow in fellowship and understanding, directed by Eric and Carla Collins.
Again, thank you, and may God our Father, continue to bless you as we learn to walk in His joy for a great 2021!