This August we will focus on intimacy, continued training and higher levels of activation. John 17:3, “And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.” At The Covenant Center during July we encouraged everyone to rest, pray, study God’s Word, and be with their families. I have heard some great testimonies on how the Lord has spoken to believers in either prayer or His Word. John 17:3 encourages us to know (yada) Him intimately and as a result we respond to His voice and His Words in the scriptures.
Sundays - In August we will go back to a little more of a consistent schedule. Sunday celebration meetings will continue with worship, a little 1 Corinthians 14:26 sharing, teaching, and ministry!
Mondays - David and Amy Rhinehart currently are training facilitators for the Covenant Life Groups. This is a ministry for people dealing with life’s struggles through Christ-centered support groups. The starting date of these groups will be September 9th on Mondays.
Tuesdays - Dan Koerner and Frank Salerno will continue to facilitate The Men’s Roundtable, the longest running TCC small group. Locations are announced.
Wednesdays - During the month of August and September Richard and Becky Maisenbacher will be facilitating the Hearing God class. They will be emphasizing hearing and healing through His gifts of the Spirit with practical teaching, discussion, and prophetic exercises.
Fridays - Transitioning from our Friday night school of the prophets we will have a variety of other events throughout the year. I anticipate some of our Friday nights will include TCC Worship, Arts Events, and prophetic meetings. For instance, on the September 20th weekend, Andrew Ehrenzeller will be having a worship night on Friday and Worship Training for leaders on Saturday. Other events may be scheduled on Fridays, including Sundays or weekend seminars. We so appreciate Don Franklin, Randi Lechner, and Glenn Miller for consistently imparting to our community for the last three years on Friday evenings. We also thank Barbie Breathitt and Cathy Lechner for also speaking and imparting into our community.
Covenant-U online - Now that Covenant-U is established, our School of Theology with an option of licensing and ordination will be offered online instead of Monday nights, ( This will provide a much more flexible schedule for those desiring to further their ministry education. The school has four main areas of study: Hebraic Thought, Spiritual Roots, Knowing God, and Spiritual Leadership. At this time we have an articulation agreement with Southeastern University, thanks to Melissa Maisenbacher and Dr. Meghan Griffin, in which Covenant-U students may earn up to 16 credit hours toward an SEU degree program’s general electives if desired! A big thanks to Zach Maisenbacher for developing Covenant-U, Joel Harrison and John Franklin for getting the school online, and of course Debra Mathewson and Vanderly Arnold for helping to manage it!
It looks like a busy year of intimacy, training and activation to me! We appreciate all of you who have chosen to involve yourself relationally and give to the Center!
In His Covenant Love,