Richard Maisenbacher
While in prayer seeking the Lord about the new year and where we are going in 2023, I couldn’t help reflecting on where we have come from. In God’s faithfulness in commissioning this work, The Covenant Center, God has been so faithful to not only build but preserve a kingdom family.
Looking back in the late 1980s I remember God beginning to stir my heart for the prophetic and Hebraic understanding. At that time, I began to pray and search for more revelation, truth, and practical experiences in these areas. I had no idea this pursuit would lead us to Lakeland, Florida. I simply wanted to know Him more and His ways.
Surprisingly, by the Summer of 1988 we found ourselves in Lakeland, Florida. We sold everything to go and search for what God had placed in my heart. After 10 years of wandering around Lakeland and working at our education jobs, we decided to attend a prophetic presbytery at Mark Chirona’s church in Orlando where we received a directional word saying … “you have been holding off, you are people who always want your ducks in a row – the Lord says if you wait for your ducks to be in a row you will never do anything. So now is the time to be released into that which He has called you to do. You can’t hold off any longer.”
By 1999 we began teaching and equipping believers and leaders in the gifts of the Spirit in our living room. By 2000 the Lord told us to establish a 501c3 and continue ministering to those who had a heart for the prophetic. It was a sweet time with many visitations with His presence.
As our home group grew we had to move because of fire codes and parking issues. God opened a room on a college campus on Friday nights for children and adults. During the time at this College God once again confirmed to us through dreams, visions, and prophets that we were not a mistake. He asked us to commit our life, fortune, posterity, everything that we had to sustain this thing that God had given us.
After months of packing and unpacking our supplies and equipment the Lord gave us our first building and home, The Covenant Center. Through the years God has not only confirmed and sustained us - He has faithfully directed us in developing the various streams of ministry that have established TCC.
As we approach our 25th year this June 2023 as The Covenant Center, God again has been faithful developing the many streams and ministries within this family. Initially, He explain that we were not to build this work – He would build it. We were not allowed to proselytize, or bring others in – He would bring the people. And most importantly, He admonished us not to throw stones at His others works and families for we are all His Kingdom people.
We are a prophetic people who desire a relationship with our Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Our heart is always toward heaven as we seek in prayer to know Him and better understand His ways. Our School of the Spirit or Prophetic Lab on Wednesday nights is foundational for our community. CovenantU is our online School of Ministry, for those who desire more training or working toward Licensing or Ordination. We are called to also be a House of Prayer. Prayer is tantamount for learning His voice, His desires and developing relationship. Everything is birthed by prayer.
Another stream of TCC is to Equip and Train the Saints. We are a Teaching and Training center. God desires for His people to know their calling, as well as the gifts from God they’ve received. We are all learning and growing in our understanding through practical application, either in our small/home groups or at The Center.
God calls us a Family, who also has a heart for Missions and the Nations. We have gone through numerous times of testing and pruning, not only to mature us as a community, but also to gain His trust in Him releasing an Apostolic/Prophetic Authority as we provide a safe place for people to grow.
Having a prophetic community has birthed heaven’s expression through Writing, Dance, Music, Drama and the Visual Arts. We have numerous books and publications that have been released, as well as pod casts, blogs and newsletters. Many are available through our Bookstore. The Arts are an important part of who God is – for He loves to release His creativity and expression through His people.
We are called to develop Conferences. We have enjoyed instruction regarding Covenant Understanding, Inner Healing, Authorship/ Writing, Prophetic Painting and Dance, Worship, Prayer and Deliverance. We look forward to future events as the Lord leads us.
Many years ago, through a visitation, God instructed us that we would also be a Healing Center: Body, Soul and Spirit. He is building a place for His presence and glory to rest, for He desires His people to be able to come and receive prophetic ministry, revelation, guidance, encouragement, edification, and comfort.
Look what the Lord has done! He has birthed a multicultural Covenant Center Family/community with many facets and precious people who shine like jewels. He has preserved and sustained this family for a quarter of a century. Your support, sacrifice of finances, your time, prayer, discipleship and outreach to others that you have generously given, along with our Father faithfully guiding us is the reason we are blessed as a Covenant Community. Thank you so much!
As we walk forward into this New Year, I pray for you and family now and in the coming year:
The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26 NAS.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7.
In His Covenant Love,