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Hello Covenant Center family,

What an unparalleled season we are walking through. You can sense the confusion and conflict even in decision making. It is safe to say we are all out of control. We are thankful we serve a God who is in control and is not shocked by what is taking place; even the challenges regarding people's health and employment. We have talked about and even declared about alignments, realignments, shifting, resets, changes and new structures coming forth. And now it is here. In the midst of God blowing in His reformation, the turbulence is palpable. Be reminded that He is our strong tower and we run to Him and find rest and His peace in these storms.

Our Governor has declared the church as "essential." Of course we already know that. You are essential to God's kingdom and His kingdom plan. You have been trained and equipped with Holy Spirit indwelling and you as the Church are being set up to release His gifts within you greater than ever before.

The Covenant Center will remain closed at this time for open meetings. Even our counseling is now taking place through Skyping. We want to encourage you to meet in small groups, ten people and under, as you minister one to another. Chuck Pierce shared recently that "This will be a unique Passover. We will actually be celebrating this Passover the way the Lord instructed the Israelites to observe Passover - in our home, in our small gatherings, and behind our closed doors."

We will continue to stream our Sunday mornings and on this Wednesday, April 8th, Peter Cafarelli will be sharing with me by streaming a Passover message at 7pm on Facebook - The Covenant Center.

We are praying for you. This will come end and in the days to come we will see the fruitful change that God is now ushering in. I am working on a method for group calls/ video chats that are easy to navigate. I will keep you updated. God bless and keep you and thank you for your giving.

In His Covenant Love,

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