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The Covenant Center Schedule for July

We usually think of Sunday as a Sabbath day, time to rest from our labor and spend time with God and family. For years God has directed a July Sabbath for The Covenant Center, where we can rest from the daily activities and enter a time of reflection and refreshing.  We have found July to also typically be a time for vacations and family gatherings.

So as we approach July 1st, I would like to alert you to the change in schedule, just for July. We always meet on Sundays and our Sunday celebration will continue as scheduled; however, Wednesday night youth and adult classes will not meet through the month of July. Small groups outside The Center, who meet on their own schedule will continue. We also adjust our office hours to give our personnel time for refreshing. Shane and Chalis and the Worship Prayer Team will also be taking a July Sabbath.

You may be asking: What can I do in this July Sabbath personally? We encourage you to spend time alone with Him in prayer, praying in the Spirit and journaling. This is also a great time to read His word and receive, guidance, revelation and insight personally. This is a wonderful time to develop greater intimacy with God as you rest and listen for what He may speak to you, and consider prayer walks and communing with Him through nature. There are also many extra biblical books that are insightful and encouraging that may bring direction, wisdom and healing.

And don’t forget about CovenantU, our online school that is tuition free at this time. There are four tracks: Hebraic Thought, Spiritual Roots, Knowing God and Spiritual Leadership. These classes have been developed to help you grow in wisdom and understanding. For those interested, these classes can also start you on a path toward licensing or ordination.

We hope you have a beautiful month being strengthened as we begin to approach Rosh Hashana and the Feast of Tabernacles in the fall. We are thankful for you and your support. If needed you can make contact at: See you on Sunday in July!

In His Love,

Richard and Becky