During the month of June, we are celebrating the Lord’s Feasts with Pentecost (His Spirit) and Shavuot (His Torah). However, not everyone may have the enthusiasm or joy to celebrate these Feasts. Some have judged themselves unworthy or will not forgive themselves of their mistakes. They will only recognize their sins, believing that God can never love them, and wondering why God hasn’t intervened in all this world chaos.

Psalm 103:4, “(The Lord) Who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion.” I know I have emphasized that having an intimate covenant relationship with the Lord is very important after we have given our heart to Jesus. This verse states that God pours out his love on all his creation, not just those in covenant with him. God loved us before he made promises to us. He loves us because we were made to enjoy him and glorify him. His help is not dependent on how well we have kept the Law. None of us have done well in that area. He pours out his love when we need him the most, after we have broken our relationship with him.

Hesed (lovingkindness) means he chooses to obligate Himself to us. John 17:24 says “…for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” It is easy to forget or ignore God’s hesed. We can become very discouraged with life and our expectations. Fortunately, God doesn’t wait on our self-improvement methods. We all are part of his creation, and he loves us. He seeks ways to have a love relationship with us.

Yes, we understand his ways are not our ways. Regardless of our guilt, shame, and discouragement, he loves us and wants us to receive his love and promises. That is another reason these Feasts are so important to celebrate with joy. We have his Word being written on our hearts and the Bible (Shavuot), and his Spirit (Pentecost) within us.

Lord, regardless of where I am right now, help me to receive your lovingkindness and compassion as you pour out your love!

In His Covenant Love,