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Dear Covenant Center Family,

What an extraordinary time we are witnessing in our nation. As believers we put our trust in God as we watch and listen for His truth and guidance. We move as He instructs us to move and most importantly we pray. We know God is not caught by surprise with these events. We are now positioned much like Israel who trusted by applying the blood to their doorposts, and waited in their homes for the plague to pass over. Waiting does not mean being idle or fearful. God will guide you especially in challenging times. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not understand what his master is doing. But I have called you friends, because everything I have learned from My Father I have made known to you (John15:15).

So in accordance to the President’s guidelines, all TCC meetings are cancelled as of today, Tuesday, March 17th until further notice. Please keep informed through our blog and emails for any changes. Office staff is available Tuesday – Friday from 1pm – 3pm and our counselors continue with individual appointments. Richard will meet with you by streaming on Wednesday night and Sunday morning via Facebook, and The FLOW worship with Shane, Chalis and Nicole will be streamed via facebook on Friday.

We have digital venues available, including Facebook and our online classes through CovenantU are now free to you by this evening for personal study. Our blog and emails - info@thecovenantcenter will keep you posted.

Consider having a home group of 10 or less for Bible study, CovenantU participation and discussions, start a personal blog or video, and pray. 

The Hebraic mindset is always about community first and then the individual. As we are asked to protect our people and community by limiting our group interactions, we are asked to lay down our personal agendas for the well being of all. Canceling our meetings right now is about stopping the acceleration of this contagious virus and protecting those around us while keeping health professionals, hospital beds, ICU wings and facilities open and available to those in need. There is no fear in loving well and no shame in being cautious so others may live well.

We thank you for your continued generous giving as we serve and provide assistance, food, counseling, missions offerings/relief and meeting our building expenses. You can reach us at 863-802-5171 or email at info@thecovenantcenter; The Covenant Center, 26 Lake Wire, PO Box 524, Lakeland, Florida, 33802-0524;

Even though we may be apart, we are one in His Spirit. God bless and keep you!

Richard and Becky